Ashley Roe

Ashley Roberts (b. 1991) is a visual artist and creative director currently residing in New York. She received her BS in Photography from the University of Central Florida (2014), and began exploring the interconnectivity of the human species and our planet. Her paintings feature bold colors, intricate patterns, and chaotic line work which reference the inner workings of all living beings (veins, blood, and movement). Her paintings aim to reenergize the need for a more biodiverse ecosystem. 

Ashley is the founder of Di·a·tom Collective, a Brooklyn based multidisciplinary puzzle piece whose mission is to connect humans to resources, produce exhibitions, and showcase work that foregrounds environmental innovation. 

Ashley is also an ambassador for the non-profit Remake where she actively hold events that combine art and sustainability. 


Instagram: @ashleyroedotcom

Press: C-Heads Magazine . The PR Net 

Clients: Nestle Skin Health . The Camp David . Ashya Moxie Vintage .TooPoor . Sliver Spoon Jewelry . ScrapCity LA  .  Shop Jeen . Brink Magazine . Lace and Whiskey . Dekadens Designs . BioStrap . Love Culture  . Whim Magazine . Sad Girl Magazine . Toksick Magazine

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